The Future of Safe & Effective Breast Health Screening
Welcome, here you can find the information you need as a physician to evaluate and understand both the emerging evidence of the risks and unreliability of mammogram as well as the major advances thermal imaging is making for womens health and how to use the results from thermal imaging for your patients.
Advanced Thermal Imaging is available to come to your clinic and offer screenings:
On-site Thermal Imaging
Portable Complete Diagnostic System
Professional and Fast Screenings
Conveinient for your patients
Complete Thermogram Report provided for you and your patients
Insure your patients receive the safest and most advanced diagnostics
Establish a measurable health record for your patients
Evaluate the effectiveness of therapies, diet changes, hormones
Provide best practices health care
Swiss Abolish Mammograms
One of the leading public and international health institutes in Europe, the Swiss Medical Board, is a nongovernmental, independent health technology assessment initiative in Switzerland that functions under the auspices of the Swiss Medical Association, the Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences, and the Conference of Health Ministers of the Swiss Cantons. The Board is mandated “to contribute to the improvement of the health of populations internationally, nationally and locally through excellence in research, services and teaching and training.”